PARENTS Best Silicone Bottle
nano bébé
We are Proud to announce that the bottle we designed for nano bébé was awarded the "best for baby" prize by "Parents" for 2023.
The jury panel’s decision: "The non-tipping base makes it easy to take on the go, and the easy-to-read volume scale makes tracking your baby’s progress a breeze. The wide-mouth design is simple to clean either by hand or in the dishwasher."

Patrol X first prototype
REGO Automotive
We are happy to share our design of the PATROL X for REGO AUTOMOTIVE. An all-terrain vehicle with outstanding performance. After two years, we finally get to drive our new born baby.

MADATECH Exhibition Opening
We are honoured to be the designers of the exhibition “Moving in the current” in Madatech science museum of Haifa curated by Amir Schor.
The exhibition presents the complexity of electric cars in our lives.
After a year of intensive work, we can suddenly see it in reality: surprising how similar to the digital renderings we presented.

The Lost Treasure opening event
TEDER Tel Aviv
The lost treasure Can you believe there is about 130 million Shekels (about 35 million Dollars) treasure, hiding in homes all-around Israel?
Yes, in billions of unused ten agorot coins. Kids collect it and bring it to special places, where it is collected and donated to charity. Inbal Boussiba founded "Haotzar Haavud", a non-profit organization which encourages kids and families to collect those coins.
We designed and installed a special "coin box" in the "Teder" in Tel Aviv. More than one million shekels were collected so far.

Aviv Labs launch hummus capsule to space
Aviv Labs x NASA
Aviv Labs presents a successful Scientific experiment of growing Chick peas, hummus, in space.
Chick peas, can be the future food of astronauts in space and on the moon. They will have to grow it themselves, hence the scientific experiment in which chick peas were sprouting in a small insulated capsule, designed by us, in space.
The experiment was successful. it was sent to the International Space Station, in which it spent six months before returning to earth. It is almost surreal to see the package we hand made in Florentine neighborhood Tel Aviv, floating in midair in the International Space Station, six hundred kilometres above earth.

Edmond De Rothschild Design Award Prof. Alex Padwa is a recipient of the 2021 Edmond de Rothschild Design Award for Established Product Designers.
"The Edmond de Rothschild Design Award for Product Design is granted to Alex Padwa for his exceptional skill in developing objects marked by a precise and expressive form language – including in the complex spaces of the medical, automotive, and manufacturing fields.
The large scale characteristic of most of the works in his impressive portfolio positions them, in terms of presence and user experience, in between the worlds of product design and architecture. Whether it’s a vehicle, an MRI system, or a biopsy analysis instrument, Padwa composes iconic 3D creations that challenge paradigms of design. User experience, ergonomics, and interface – all are addressed and packaged into a readable icon bearing his distinctive signature.
EDR Design Award
